Parable Of Forgiveness Essay

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What is forgiveness? “Forgiveness means dismissing a debt. When you receive forgiveness, your debt is dismissed. When you grant forgiveness, you dismiss the debt owed to you.” (Hunt, Forgiveness, p.9). The main character in this parable went through three stages. 1. He was a debtor, 2. He was a creditor, and 3. He became a prisoner. The parable illustrates the power of forgiveness and the danger of not offering forgiveness. In verses 24-31, Jesus emphasizes the debt of the main character in the parable and the debt of another servant who owed money to the main character. The main character in the parable owed the king 10,000 talents. A talent was the largest denomination of money in the Roman world and equal to 6000 days of wages. So, the amount owned by the first servant is about 164,000 years of wages. It was impossible for him to pay off such a debt. Moved by compassion for the hopeless servant, the king graciously canceled the entire debt, which is a vivid illustration of God’s forgiveness when Jesus becomes our Savior. Grace is receiving the opposite of what we deserve. The king in this parable represents God and the debtors represent sinners. The word “debt” reminds us that whenever we sin we deny God what …show more content…

How should we confront injustice? Listen to the words that explain how Jesus confronted injustice. You can give up your bitterness and maintain your sense of justice at the same time. When Jesus was being persecuted, He knew that God would judge justly at the right time and in His perfect way. Jesus said: “I have so much faith in God that I can forgive and live without bitterness.” God says to you and to me this morning: ‘I will take care of the justice issue; you need to be free from bitterness.” Ironically, withholding forgiveness usually inflicts more pain on the one who needs to forgive than on the one who needs to be forgiven. Notice how the parable