Former PM Pierre Elliot Trudeau: Source Analysis Source

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Source Analysis Source one is a quote by Former PM Pierre Elliot Trudeau during a March 1981 speech. This quote explains the different meanings of nation in the sociological and political sense. It states in the sociological sense, a nation means an “ethnic group, a linguistic group”, while in the political sense “nation” refers to all the people - whatever their language or ethnicity”. Former PM Trudeau believes a state would be better if many ethnic groups were governed as “individuals” rather than as the groups they identify with. This source connects to civic nationalism and political nationalism through the phrase “”in the political sense, “nation” refers to. all the people - whatever their language or ethnicity.” This quote reflects a …show more content…

This quote explains the deep Canadian misunderstanding regarding the birth(formation) of Canada. It states “Our Canada was born in 1534, not in 1867.” It also states, “Therein lies, also, the source of division in Quebec.” The writer, Giroux also contradicts the idea of separatism of Quebec from Canada and represents as “Quebecois still considers. as a shameful retreat.” This quote connects to contending loyalties (national loyalty and regional loyalty) through the phrase “Our Canada was born in 1534, not in 1867.” This quote reflects a negative perspective of contending loyalties i.e., the national loyalty towards Canada and regional loyalty towards Quebec through the Referendums held in Quebec(related gaining sovereignty) because according to the quote “Our Canada was born in 1534, not in 1867.”, Quebecois believe that Canada was formed in 1534, because Quebec(a part of Canada) was founded in 1534(French Exploration), whereas, some federalists believe that Canada was formed with the confederation and the formation of Western Canada in 1867. Similarly, these contending loyalties (national and regional) are found in referendums where people were separated between two federalists and Quebec separatists regarding the sovereignty of Quebec. So, in both cases, the contending loyalties (national and regional) are found between the people of Quebec and federalists. Therefore, this quote …show more content…

Source 2 demonstrates that there is contending loyalty between the people of the same nation (First Nations) that is seen in the political cartoon where a person forfeited his indigenous rights in order to become educated and a real citizen of Canada, while the other person stayed his ground and chose his First Nations loyalty over Canada’s loyalty. Similarly, contending loyalties are seen in source 3 as it states “Our Canada was born in 1534, not in 1867”.Therefore, Quebecois believe the formation of Canada to be in 1534 with the discovery of Quebec by French explorers, whereas, federalists believe Canada’s formation to be in 1867 with the formation of Western Canada and confederation of Canada. This is where national loyalty and regional loyalty contradict each other due to which some people decided to choose regional loyalty whereas some chose national loyalty. Therefore, source 2 and source 3 connect to each other as both the sources relate to contending loyalties where everyone has to choose between their national loyalty or their regional

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