Foster Care Debate

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Pro-choice, is advocating legalized abortion according to Imagine being a kid who was born by a mother who never even wanted you, or wasn’t able to take care of you. However she was forced to still have you because it was against the law. Nine months later you are born , but the mother decides that she is going to put you in foster care. Yet the problem with that is so many kids are in foster care already. So you find yourself in a battle against others kids to find a “forever family” permanent home. Yet you just can’t find this family to love. Eighteen years from now you grow up still with no family never ever finding love. Knowing that your mother never wanted you so now you are stuck finding love in the wrong place. So you consequently …show more content…

According to Steve, FC Over 400,000 American children are in foster care, taken away when their families are in crisis and can’t take care of them. Who are these children? Where do they live? These statistics will help you better understand their world.
415,129 children were in foster care on September 30th, 2014, a 4% increase from …show more content…

Most people would think that losing a baby can conjure up a whole lot of problems a mental disability’s including me. Yet from doing hard research on this this I understand that now that most women do not regret are remorse the fact that they got an abortion according to Lisa Tolin, she writes, “Contrary to popular belief, women who have abortions may experience little or no long-term psychological trauma. In a study meant to examine how such factors as race and ethnicity influence the psychological after-effects of abortions, psychologists Nancy Felipe Russo Ph.D.. of Arizona State University, and Amy Dabul, Ph.D., of Phoenix College, found that the best clue to a woman 's mental well-being after an abortion is her state of mind before the pregnancy--in particular her level of self-esteem. In other words, those who found the procedure traumatic were generally troubled long before they showed up at an abortion clinic. In fact, Dabul and Russo contend that much of the stress experienced by women who get abortions may stem not from the procedure itself but from the simple fact that the pregnancy is unwanted.” Now that you know most women are less likely to have serious psychological trauma to getting an abortion. And the trauma that they do face does not stem from having an abortion but is rooted down deeper and is past the stage of

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