
Foster System Analysis

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Another way to improve the foster system is to have background checks, making sure that the people they hire, and foster parents aren’t abusive and horrible to the kids. The background checks for foster parents or caretakers could save abuse for the kids, and maybe even death, they can help determine whether or not if this is a person they want the kids around. This is shown in an article named, “U.S. Foster Care a Flawed Solution that leads to more Long-Term Problems”, they explain the lives of kids who have experienced awful people they were sent to live with. The author wrote, “Removed from the home of a mentally ill parent… Within months, the mother’s condition deteriorated and the child was killed,” (Stone, 2014). This portrays, how they …show more content…

Like in the quote, the child died because the woman’s illness got worse, people can lie about themselves anytime, so a background check would be very useful. Also, other foster parents may have anger issues, have a past of domestic abuse or other problematic issues. Stories are told about the horrors of living with abusive people in the article “The Horror Stories These,” this article has the different perspectives of how the children have suffered, the article states, “staying with a racist foster father who saw him hanging out with a black friend, he beat James, drug him outside, clasped a dog collar around my neck, and cuffed his hand to a Confederate flag rail in front of the doghouse. He left James outside overnight in the cold of December with no clothes,” (Simon, 2014). This clearly illustrates, how this foster father treated this child as an animal for spending time with a colored person. This man was horrible to James, he suffered terribly, he beat him, drugged him, and left him out in the freezing night for being with a colored …show more content…

But she was very generous with the beatings, which often bordered on torture,” (Simon, 2014). This just shows how cruel people can be to those they do not know, and they don’t really care about them at all. This woman treated the children kindly, while the foster kids were treated horribly. This woman just did it for the money. An abundance of people will do this, just for the money and not care for the foster kids at. This is similar to the book They Cage The Animals at NIght, the main character Jennings was in a horrible home with an abusive woman, who was in it for the money. These people need to be stopped, the abuse, using them and the torture. These kids just want to feel wanted, there parents left, some by accident and some willingly. These kids need a place to actually call home, not some person who will treat thema like an animal, who feels nothings. These children are still growing and don’t need to be abused so young, while they are so innocent

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