Foucault Panoptic Structure Essay

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Panoptic Structure Michel Foucault was a French Philosopher born in 1926. His theories consisted of relations between power and knowledge. “Panopticism” is a social theory that Foucault created and wrote about in his book Discipline and Punish. Foucault states “It is a perpetual victory that avoids any physical confrontation and which is always decided in advance” (187). Foucault is saying the major effect of the Panopticon model is to induce a state of consciousness and permanent visibility to assure function of power. Foucault applies Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon idea for prison surveillance, to most institutions of society such as schools and churches. Panopticon brings up questions of power and how the increase of power affects the society, when the outcome is not focused on relations of discipline. Foucault says “assuring an infinitesimal distribution of the power relations” (199) and if that was applied we could create a disciplined society. In the quote, Foucault is saying if powers were not as distributed, meaning less people have power, then …show more content…

I would be considered the tower in this social institution because I was able to see everyone and observe when they are ready to order or when they would need a refill. I would also oversee the cook to make sure the orders are correct. The central power of the restaurant would be the manager, who was not there most of the time. But when she was, she would watch over everyone to make sure we are doing our jobs. Also, she would go around and make sure the customers are satisfied. The manager could discipline the cook or the waitress by firing them or just discussing with them what they need to improve on. By disciplining the waitress and cook the business would run smoother because the customers would have a more satisfying experience, which would cause them to come more

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