Frames Of Transformative Learning

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Jack Mezirow first developed his theory in the early 70s when studying U.S. women returning to postsecondary study or the workplace after an extended period of leave. The main idea behind transformative learning is for individuals to change their frames of reference by critically reflecting on their various assumptions and beliefs. The second step is to consciously make and implement plans that bring new ways of defining their worlds (Mezirow, 1997). Frames of reference refer to the body of experience (concepts, values, feelings, conditioned responses) acquired by adults. These frames are the ‘structures of assumptions’ through which we understand our experiences. This means that they selectively shape and limit expectations, perceptions, cognition …show more content…

They are influenced by assumptions (these may be cultural, social, educational, economic, political or psychological). These habits of mind become articulated in a specific point of view. Therefore, a point of view is the constellation of beliefs, value judgement, attitude and feeling that we have regarding specific individuals or groups (p. 6). In general, frames of reference are the result of cultural assimilation and the influences of teachers, parents, mentors, etc. By changing these frames, Mezirow describes the way in which learners move towards a frame of reference that is more inclusive, self-reflective and integrative of experience (p. 5). To do so, learners must become critically reflective of the assumptions underlying their intentions, values, beliefs and feelings (p. 6). Thanks to this critical reflection and subsequent transformation of habit of mind or the transformations in points of view, the underlying frames can be transformed (p. 7). According to Mezirow, there are four different processes of learning to trigger these transformations. However, due to the scope of this chapter, they will not be expanded

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