Francis Temple's Beliefs On Atonement

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Though social media is prevalent in expressing the users ' views, it cannot be ignored that literature influences its readers greatly by the writers ' opinion. Even if many of these attempt to write an unbiased account, it is nearly impossible to completely render their work from personal beliefs. Many ideas and values come forth subtly through the characters words or the way an idea is portrayed. Religions and politics fall mostly in this category, including the question of man’s way to salvation. An adequate example of this is the Ramsay Scallop, centering on one village’s quest for atonement. By viewing the author’s beliefs on forgiveness by works, her persuasiveness in making her case, and the values expressed by various characters in the book, the idea that atonement by works for sin heals the spirit, can be …show more content…

Firstly, Francis Temple’s beliefs on forgiveness by works are subtle but can be explored diligently, nonetheless. Unfortunately, it is hard to decipher her views at the beginning, but several events shed some light on the matter. The plot of the entire book is a quest to an important location for atonement, which proves successful, as ridiculous as this sounds. The act of a pilgrimage, while ridding oneself of anything but the necessities, shows self-inflicted hardship as piety and diligence. It can be argued that being a fictional book, it may not truthfully reflect the author’s real moral standards. But by analyzing the entire work, it can be seen that the author could not possibly portray a theology so persistently if she did not agree with