Frank Morris, John Angin And Clarence Anglin: Escape From Alcatraz

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Escape from Alcatraz

On June 11th, 1962 three hardened criminals, Frank Morris, John Anglin and Clarence Anglin, attempted their daring escape from Alcatraz, one of the most brutal prisons of it’s time. But one question remains: Did they survive their escape? Let’s search through the evidence they left behind.

Our first piece of evidence is that the prisoners had a very well thought through plan as of how they were going to get out of the prison. For a long time the criminals chipped away at a wall with spoons stolen from the cafeteria, nail clippers and eventually a power drill made from a vacuum cleaner motor, and then they crafted fake heads out of cardboard, cement chips, toilet paper and hair stolen from the prison’s barber shop. For