Frank Ocean Poem: Pink + White

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Pink + White Written by Frank Ocean prod. Pharrell Williams
Frank Ocean demonstrates his love for time and memory and the possessing qualities that are involved in thoughts that are good and bad within his song Pink + White. Within the song, Ocean shares his world through the past memories of a relationship while explaining his deep passion for a specific person. These two preoccupations intertwine Ocean’s own happiness that exemplifies the heartfelt ups and downs that come with people and feelings. These thoughts are preserved in a binary bright to dark with subliminal meaning in between.
Through a binary of optimism to disposition, for example, “glory from above,” found in line nineteen, and “it’s all downhill from here,” communicates that through the good, there could be bad. Within the song, Ocean speaks about a possible intimate feeling or relationship with someone he was involved with that explains the happenings and effort given yet the repetitive downfall that seems to follow along with it in the end. One strong example of Ocean’s view of love is a repetition of “you showed me love,” being one line that is repeated twice in the song. This showing of compassion to one person demonstrates his compatible comprehension and how he might possibly be involved with someone that he sees so highly. Making use of the word “showed” conveys the view of past tense, in which, if love was showed, then there is no longer any compassion between the two any longer. According to