Frankenstein Book Report Essay

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1. Victor Frankenstein- Victor Frankenstein, referenced as “Frankenstein” throughout the novel, is the protagonist. His life story is the heart of the novel. Frankenstein grew up in Geneva where he was fascinated by the sciences and engrossed himself in the works of ancient alchemists. When Frankenstein goes to the university in Ingolstadt, he becomes fascinated with the “secret of life”. He then proceeds to build a gruesome monster and bring it to life. The monster ultimately sets out to ruin Frankenstein’s life, killing his best friend, brother, wife, and two other innocent people. This leaves Victor psychologically scarred and torn apart, but he is unable to tell anyone about the horrible monster he created. He becomes a loner, cutting himself entirely off from the world, and obsessed with making up for the damage the monster created. At the end of the novel, Victor is lifeless, run down, and obsessed with finding the monster. He has chased the monster up north and is rescued by a ship as he is near the brink of death. As he slowly dies on the ships, he recounts his life, overtaken by the monster. b. “Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who …show more content…

“My brothers were considerably younger than myself; but I had a friend in one of my schoolfellows, who compensated for this deficiency. Henry Clerval was the son of a merchant of Geneva, an intimate friend of my father. He was a boy of singular talent and fancy. I remember, when he was nine years old, he wrote a fairy tale, which was the delight and amazement of all his companions. His favourite study consisted in books of chivalry and romance; and when very young, I can remember, that we used to act plays composed by him out of these favorite books, the principal characters of which were Orlando, Robin Hood, Amadis, and St.