
Frankenstein Similarities And Differences Between 1818 And 1831

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Frankenstein written in 1818 and 1831 both deploy the same story with some minor details being different. Her incorporation into the family varies from the 1818 In the 1831 version Elizabeth is Frankenstein's adopted sister while in the 1818 version she is long lost cousin. In both novels, Elizabeth is destined to become Victor’s eventual wife, but these minor details are important when shaping the plot. The two versions also symbolize the development of the author Mary Shelley as an author and a person. In the 1831 novel Shelley took her readers feedback in order to enhance the novel. The fact that Elizabeth is no longer blood related to Victor shows the book in a better light as incest was frowned upon and still is to this day. The two books are very similar but the vocabulary and the sharpening up of ideas proves to be very effective. Therefore the 1831 version of the book Frankenstein proves to be most effective to the narrative. …show more content…

This never happened in the 1831 book because Victor was the only child until he was five. Although his mother “had much desired to have a daughter”. The major difference comes with introducing Elizabeth because she is Victor’s father's sister's daughter in the 1818 version. She joins the family because her mother is deceased and Victor’s family took her in. In 1831, Caroline spots Elizabeth in a group of children. She stood out because “The four others were dark-eyed, hardy little vigrants; this child was thin and fair. Her hair was the brightest living gold, and despite the poverty of her clothing, seemed to set a crown of distinction on her head”. These features caused Caroline to fall in love with young Elizabeth to the point that she convinced Victor’s father to adopt her. In both versions Elizabeth is in Italy before being taken

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