Frankie Addams In Mccullers's The Member Of The Wedding

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Her third novel is The Member of the Wedding (1946), which capturers a young girl’s feelings at her brother’s wedding, made a successful Broadway run in 1950-51., and was produced by the young Vic in London in September 2007. McCullers had been meticulously working on the novel, from its inception in 1939 to its publication in 1946. Her “The Vision
Shared” is a mixed genre which is a Lyric tragic comedy where the funniness and the grief coexist in the same line. She gave McCullers in her last years a love, nurture, and comfort such as she had never known. She acknowledged the improvisational design of The Member of the
Wedding: I must say I did not realize the proper dimensions of this play, the values of the unseen qualities involved, until the work had taken on its own life. The novel takes place over a few days in late August. It tells the story of a 12-year-old tomboy Frankie Addams, who feels disconnected from the world; Frankie’s mother died when she was born, and her father is a distant, uncomprehending figure. Her closest companions are the family’s African American maid, Bernice Sadie Brown, and her six-year-old cousin, John
Henry West. She has no friends in her small Southern town and dreams of going away with her brother and his bride-to-be on their honeymoon in the Alaskan wilderness. The novel explores the psychology of the three main characters and is more concerned with evocative settings than with the incident. Frankie does, however, have a