Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal During The Great Depression

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During the Hoover administration in the 1930 's, a Great Depression fell over the United States. The U.S. citizens strongly blamed President Hoover for this desperate time and caused him to become unpopular. Due to this fact, Franklin D. Roosevelt won the 1932 election and promised the people “action now” with a New Deal. This reform program explains Franklin 's legislatives and policies for dealing with the economic struggle caused by the Great Depression. The New Deal program presented by Franklin came in two waves called the First and Second New Deals. Although these programs did much to change the United States, it did not end the Great Depression.
According to Infoplease, "The first phase attempted to provide recovery and relief from the Great Depression …show more content…

They passed acts to help them achieve this such as, the Works Progress Administration and the Social Security Act. The WPA employed millions of jobless people to work on public works projects. The SSA created a safety net for citizens by providing payment to the unemployed, injured workers, and young mothers. Unlike the First New Deal, this second program gave work to the unemployed, not welfare. The Second New Deal did its best to improve the lives of the citizens.
There were not many similarities between either of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deals. One of the main similarities were the goals to relieve, reform, and recover from the Great Depression. The only other similarity is the amount of legislation that was passed by Congress because the First New Deal was meant for relief not for economic stability like the second. The Second New Deal was a continuation of the first, but it helped more economically through programs like the SSA, the FHA, and the