Frederic Henry As A Code Hero In All Quiet On The Western Front

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Frederic Henry is the protagonist also. He may not be the true hero that we were hoping, but he is a code hero. I also believe that it is unfair for the audience to judge him and to say that he is a psychopath or a coward. The audience has to remember that he is a young man that enrolled in the Italian army. He still deserves respect for even enlisting, but he should also be respected for choosing to stay with Catherine when she got pregnant and deserting the army. His choice of deserting the army was not because he wanted to and did not believe in the cause, it was because when he prioritized his problems that he had to fix and the ones that he had to run from he chose the problem that directly impacted one person. Him deserting did not make …show more content…

In my point of view, Frederic Henry is his own villain. Throughout the novel the audience gets to roam his mind and search for what he really believes. In his own mind he is judgemental of everything and everyone around him. This is not a good quality. His pessimistic views about people, especially himself creates an almost extinct sense of self confidence. I also believe that it is unfair for the audience to judge him and to say that he is a psychopath or a coward. The audience has to remember that he is a young man that enrolled in the Italian army. He still deserves respect for even enlisting, but he should also be respected for choosing to stay with Catherine when she got pregnant and deserting the army. His choice of deserting the army was not because he wanted to and did not believe in the cause, it was because when he prioritized his problems that he had to fix and the ones that he had to run from he chose the problem that directly impacted one person. Him deserting did not make the Italians lose the …show more content…

Frederic Henry's mind is contradictory to what most people label him as. The quote is saying that the words that people say you are or the words that do not have an absolute meaning do not have any impact on the individual, they are only used to label someone as "courageous" or "loyal" etc. The concrete words, that represent the people, the place, the time, and the definitive items in life is what really represents the individual and the situation as a whole. Abstract words do not tell you how something happened, when something happened, or even what happened, they are merely opinions of the narrator about the person that was in the event. In life today, the opinions of the people surrounding you have started to mean more than the specifics of a situation. The ideas that should be concentrated on should be the concrete dates, times, and places and each date, time, and place should be shown in all of the points of view because if you really want to understand an idea, the only way to learn the whole story is to listen to both