Frederick Douglass Accomplishments

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Frederick Douglass was an honorable man who dedicated much of his life to earning equality and respect for his fellow men and women. Douglas devoted much of his life to addressing the racism issues that plagued America. Douglass was an activist for African American equality which was driven from a remembrance of his time served as a slave. Douglas was also an activist for the rights of women and their role in society. Due to his early years as a slave Douglass focused his lifes work on fighting for the freedom and rights of his African Americans. Douglas played a significant part in the anti-slavery campaigns which took place during the nineteenth century. Douglass was unlike the other Americans who were trying …show more content…

He through his relatable story telling was able to not just aid the abolitionists but was able to create a political career for himself. Douglass served in many political offices and positions, but the most accomplished political standing seems to be that he “became the first African American nominated for vice president of the United States” in 1872 ( A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2015). Although he never campaigned or took up the nomination “his nomination marked the first time that an African American appeared on the presidential ballot” ( A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 18 Feb. …show more content…

He played a great role in many historical events that had great impacts on slavery and the blacks. He had been of great importance when it came time to pass three of the amendments. Firstly, the 13th amendment, eliminating slavery and any involuntary servitude. Next, was the 14th amendment was stated that all citizens who were born in the United States were to be granted citizenship in the U.S. Finally, The 15th amendment gave citizens the right to vote no matter what color or gender. Frederick Douglass had been present during the time that each of these amendments had been