Frederick Douglass Impact On Education

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In today’s society, education is the key to becoming successful. Consequently, there are people who do not seem to realize the impact education has on their future. Education is the foundation upon which people build their futures on. Education is also been frowned upon, although it is a good thing. Education was a curse for African-Americans when slavery existed. In the book that Frederick Douglass wrote and published, “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,” he talks about how life is growing up as a young African-American boy during slavery. The European settlers bought African-Americans to the United Stated because they were cheaper and more useful labor source. The European settlers thought it would be a bad idea if their slaves …show more content…

In addition, of Mr. Auld saying that to his wife, he also told her, “If you give a (slave) an inch, he will take an ell. A (slave) should know nothing but to obey his master-to do as he is told to do. Learning would spoil the best (slave) in the world. Now, if you teach that (boy) how to read, there would be no keeping him. It would be forever unfit him to be a slave. He would at once become unmanageable, and of no value to his master. As to himself, it could do him no good, but much harm. It would make him discontented and unhappy.” When Mr. Auld said that to his wife about Frederick Douglass heard what Mr. Auld said about him it hurt Frederick's’ feelings however it gave him an understanding of being educated. Frederick Douglass now understood what had been to him the most perplexing difficulty to with, the white man’s power and to enslave the black man. Frederick Douglass now instead of seeing education as a curse he saw it as a blessing. Frederick saw that is was a great achievement that he made in becoming educated. From that moment that he saw education as a blessing, he knew what he had to do to become free from slavery. He got just what he wanted, when he least expected