Transportation Experiment

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Abstract: Form the beginning of time, how to travel farther and faster was one of the main concerns for humanity. People invented lots of different types of transportations and improved them as time passed enabling themselves to use these transportations travel in more difficult terrain and harsher environments safely. One of the very most important aspects of any transportation is its external design, which affects the magnitude of the friction that is acting upon it. I have always been attracted to the large variety of cars, planes, ships, submarines and other transportations that travel around Earth or even in outer space transporting different kinds of cargo from one destination to another. The aim of this Extended Essay is to examine …show more content…

The equation Fdrag = m(g – a) would be used in the experiment to help calculate the magnitude of the air friction on the object at the instant. The experiment is conducted in the morning, from 7:00 – 9:00, and the location is indoors, to minimize the effect of wind on the experiment. Hypothesis: The hypothesis for this experiment would be that the cross-sectional area of an object and the air friction that is acting on it at the same instant are directly proportional to each other. Variables: Dependent variable: the magnitude of air friction at the certain instant. Independent variable: the cross-sectional area of the object. Controlled variable: the mass of the object, initial velocity of the object and wind speed. Uncontrolled variable: air density. Materials: A mass with mass of

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