Is Margaret Sanger Trying To Legalize Birth Control The Poor?

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Margaret Sanger is the most prominent leader and name with regards to the field of modern birth control as well as a concept known as ‘free love’ movement. Amongst other quotes, one of her most controversial quotes was that the most merciful thing that a large family can do to one of its infants is to simply end its life. The statement is simple but in many ways got different responses from different scholars. What then is the impact of her ideas? Is it that Margaret Sanger is trying to open the eyes of the large families and the control of their resources or is she trying to control the poor?
Margaret Sanger devotes her life to legalizing birth control and has the intention of making it globally available for all women (Bergman). Due to her own experiences, she developed a passion for the art of controlling the number of children a woman could bare. Margaret is one of the children in a family of eleven children. Her mother died at the age of fifty due to the strain that she went through due to eleven children as well as seven miscarriages. She felt that her mother would have lived longer of it were not the strain mounted onto her by the child baring process. In this case, it is quite evident that Margaret is acting upon personal feeling and for that reason she is willing to …show more content…

She is not giving the society a chance to grow, a chance to build itself from the grown up. In this case, therefore, Margaret Sanger is controlling the poor. She is not giving the society the chance to fight for all that they can achieve and become by not allowing them see the potential of having a big family, based on her experiences with her mother. Her experiences may not be the same as ever other person’s with regards to her mother’s problems. She is instead controlling what everyone in the society is thinking and for that reason, this works as control, especially of the