Freedom Handmaid's Tale

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Title What does the expression of freedom mean? Asking this question would give a lot of different answers depending on the people asked because a word as broad as “freedom” has a variety of connotative meanings to different individuals. This disparity of the word “freedom is shown in the text of “The Story of an Hour” and “The Handmaid’s Tale”, and both texts explain these expressions of freedom through the stories main characters. In these stories, they convey this idea differently through different literary devices and expressions, which creates a contrast between the two stories. With that said, they share this idea of freedom acted upon the main character and stylized to fit their character in separate ways. The conceptualization of freedom is present in “The Story of an Hour” and in the “Handmaid’s Tale” whether …show more content…

One of the biggest examples of this imagery is from the text “There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her window”. This idea of the blue sky shining through the window is an excellent way of explaining imagery because with Mrs. Mallard husband just dying she feels free from him, and now for the first time her true colors can show like how the clouds are shining through. Within the story, you get other examples of imagery with how the room is described as comfy right after the paragraph of the death of her husband and throughout the story of how the window is reflecting her mood or feelings. That expression makes it easier to understand how the main character is really feeling because through subtle inanimate objects the author tells us what the character is really feeling without directly expressing it, which would be the idea of freedom. This idea of imagery is also within “The Handmaid’s Tale” pretty much throughout the story and even ends on a