Freedom Of Act In Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

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In the story The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, Marija originally finds work as a painter of cans. There she becomes quite skilled at the trade and is able to earn a commendable amount of money. One day Marija’s forelady, the one who counts the cans, made a mistake and gave Marija credit for less work than she had done. This caused Marija to become resentful, pushing her to speak out about her troubles. This in turn got the forelady to disliking her, and as a consequence she would now make mistakes on purpose. This angered Marija even more, inducing her to tell her forelady’s boss. Hence she was consequently fired. The argument here is whether or not Marija had the right to speak out. The First Amendment gives her freedom of speech, but is it