French Revolution Research Paper

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Today’s France would not have shaped into the way it is without yesterday’s wars and terrors, and the nation of france had undergone immense changes through the late 18th century to develop into the powerhouse that it has been throughout modern Europe. The French Revolution was one of the most dramatic and controversial turn of events France has witnessed.
The French revolution, although sparking numerous arguments for historians, certainly exudes changes in the ideals of the people of France. Although France had apparently come full circle from the monarchical reign of Louis XVI to the empire ruled under Napoleon Bonaparte, the French Revolution had actually aided the changes in the ideas of politics, society and religion of France through …show more content…

The French revolution can be divided into several stages in order to thoroughly analyze the causes and effects of each part of the revolution, as this research paper argues how the various changes during the French Revolution led to the conceivably failure of the French Revolution. To begin with, French society during the 17th century was unbalanced hierarchy and; a majority of France lived dreadfully in a feudal social pyramid ever since the Middle Ages, while aristocrats and monarchs, such as the infamous sun king Louis XIV, lived lavishly. As a result of the industrial revolution, peasants are forced to moved to cities in order to find jobs, resulting the most populous city of Paris to hold an astounding 600,000 people. However, hostile work environments in addition to low wages resulted in a city filled with beggars, vagrants, and thieves. France was at the brink of disaster when Louis XVI ascended to the …show more content…

The Enlightenment was another cause that fueled the rapidly progressing French Revolution. First and foremost, Britain had strongly influenced neighboring countries such as France during the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, as British Scientists and philosophers such as Isaac Newton and John Locke impacted the entirety of Europe. Moreover, British society have just witnessed the glorious revolution and the British society was viewed by philosophers in France as ahead of the old-fashioned society of France. Most importantly, philosophers during the Enlightenment believed that civil and religious authorities should be separate, which contradicts the Absolute Monarchy and Catholic teachings of France. Therefore, thinkers of the Enlightenment aided the development of the French Revolution by opposing the existing values of religion shaping politics, while viewing Britain as a model of a supreme government and society. However, while philosophers during the Enlightenment believed that France was in need of change, their revision of a new France differs from the public majority of

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