French Revolution: Similarities Between The French And American Revolution

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The French and American Revolution has similarities and differences. They both wanted change from an absolute ruler. Even though they had similarities they both had differences. The friends were a country in the Americas Berry Colony. The French wanted to overthrow their government whereas the Americans wanted freedom. One difference between the French and American Revolution was Colony and Country. The Americans were a colony where French was a whole country. The location of where they were played in to this. America was fighting more and open lands for the French it was more in town. The Americans were a whole ocean away from Brennan. The French on the other hand or directly in France. With French fighting in it affected them more directly. The Americans was more your opinion on who you want to fight for. The French was more are you rich or poor. The poor really want to fight due to not being able to eat whereas the wrench were doing okay. This is an important difference because they Connie was an ocean away, whereas the French was a whole country trying to fight. …show more content…

All the people were tired of having one guy live a great life while everyone else had to pay high taxes and not be able to live as good. So all the people who fought in both wars were Ordinary People. They were people who were tired of it and decided to do something about it. Before above the revolutions just said fight they actually tried to declare independence. They tried to just say can we have Independence, but the kingdom want that so they went to war. When going to war the French help the Americans get supplies. The Americans did the same for the French. And the end they both wanted the same thing, Independence. They all just wanted to have change