
Freud's Theory Of Hypnosis

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About 200 years ago hypnosis undergoes extensive scientific research, and it was in the mid-19th century when the English physician James Braid introduced the concept. But the decisive scientific study of this phenomenon, that is, how to predispose the person in question or patient to certain influences, developed between the years 1850 and 1980. These influences include concentration and limited memory, suggestion Of certain ideas, reactions and sensations, as well as bodily changes. The story of hypnosis begins from the earliest times of civilization. In ancient times, people used it for healing purposes, especially in religious ceremonies. For example, shamans achieved strong control of their patients and such suggestion could cure the sick …show more content…

37) Freud himself, after attending the sessions of the Salpétriére hospital, used hypnosis for some time. But given the random and temporal nature of the results, he abandoned this technique in favor of psychoanalysis, because he wanted to make the effects of suggestion last long enough to heal definitively. He explained that in all serious cases he had seen how the suggestion applied to them was reduced to zero and the same or another problem resurfaced. Freud even though he was originally against this technique, then was a strong advocate of hypnotherapy and traveled to France to study with two renowned masters. He wrote several articles on hypnotherapy and translated two books from French to German on the subject. The practice of hypnosis, and especially of regression, allows Freud to discover psychoanalysis. Thus, Breuer's hypnotic regression on the basis of Freud's evolution towards free association without trance had been transformed into psychoanalysis. The difference between hypnosis and psychoanalysis is that psychoanalysis explores the unconscious by evoking it; on the contrary, hypnotism is evoked by submerging the subject into relative unconsciousness. For psychoanalysis hypnosis, on the other hand, is a …show more content…

Although mesmerism in its principles lacked of scientific value, it was the basis of the creation of hypnosis. It is well known that hypnosis can be used as a valuable technique within the therapeutic environment. From a clinical perspective, hypnosis can be considered as the group of techniques that use formal and deliberate suggestion to provoke changes in the behavior of individuals (Tortosa, González Ordí and Miguel Tobal, 1999). The same has been used to work different psychological disorders and situations of trauma in people. For example, in cognitive behavioral therapy indications are made that could be considered as constantly suggestive. Patients are suggested to change a certain way of behaving. For this we use direct suggestion or metaphors and indirect suggestions. In the same way, Fredu used hypnosis as a technique to unravel the contents of the unconscious. Hypnosis suppose to be the basis for the techniques of free association and speech

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