Friar Laurence,Helpfulness,and the marriage of Romeo and Juliet are responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet in William Shakespeare’s play are both tragic and romantic.Although much could have been done to prevent their suicides, these “star-crossed lovers” ultimately are not able to avoid their destiny. A series of unfortunate circumstances result in disaster,and even though many people could be to blame for their deaths,Friar Laurence,Helpfulness,and the marriage of Romeo and Juliet play a particularly integral role. Friar Laurence is the first thing responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s demise.The first reason that Friar Laurence is guilty for this travesty are in 4.1.72,93,98 during the falling action of the play, this is when Friar Laurence gives …show more content…
Romeo and Juliet’s marriage is the last thing that is responsible for their deaths.Even though this piece of evidence has been used to support the previous statement it's used again here to help to the most crucial topic.In 2.3.95 Friar agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet but after the marriage nothing but pain,trouble,and death has followed.First the death of Mercutio,and Tybalt,Paris,Romeo,Juliet and last Lady Montague when does the cycle of misery end.Points about a certain view on Romeo and Juliet’s deaths have been placed but others might argue that Lord Capulet might have been the real culprit. Lord Capulet,the arranged marriage of Juliet and Paris and Assertiveness are the reasons behind Romeo and Juliet’s deaths.Lord Capulet because he arranged the marriage of Juliet and Paris which lead to Juliet taking the potion from Friar and then Romeo wouldn’t have thought she was dead and committed suicide and then Juliet commits suicide.The arranged marriage of Juliet and Paris because the arranged marriage is what caused Juliet to flee to Friar Laurence looking for an answer to get out of