
Friar Lawrence Responsible For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Romeo and Juliet Some people say that Friar Laurence was responsible for Romeo and Juliet`s death however it is not his fault. The letter was sent from Friar Laurence but Friar John was delivering it. Friar John had returned back to Verona and said to Friar Laurence “I never got to mantua”. (Act 4, Scene 2). Friar Laurence only had good intensions he never wanted someone to get hurt he was just trying to help end the feud. Friar Laurence had gave Juliet the sleeping potion so she didn’t have to marry Paris. The word had gotten spread out to Romeo in Mantua that Juliet was dead. Romeo had got back to Verona to see Juliet and he had killed himself in the tomb next to Juliet his last words were “Now with a kiss I die”. (Act 5, Scene 5). Friar Laurence was only trying to help Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence wasn’t responsible for Romeo and Juliet`s death. The Capulets do not know that Juliet is already married to Romeo. …show more content…

The Capulets told Juliet that if she didn’t marry him, she would be kicked out and they would dis-own her. The Capulet had said to his wife “I am furious, day and night minute by minute, now Paris wants to marry her but she says no”. (Act 3, Scene 5). The Nurse changes her mind and tells Juliet that she should marry Paris. Juliet was mad she said to the Nurse “how could you, you wicked woman, what kind of advice is that”! (Act 3, Scene 5). The Capulet`s were controlling Juliet and making decisions for her. The Capulets and Montagues have had a feud for many years, but there will be a point when it will become a lot

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