Friendships In Jonathan Ellis's The Founding Brothers

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The story The Founding Brothers is focused on a group of important leaders and specific events that were made following the 1787 Constitutional Convention. Jonathan Ellis examines relationships during the Revolutionary generation of the founding fathers and their influences, showing modern readers how their differences helped mold the development of the United States. By explaining personal friendships that were tested, the character of the founding brothers, and revealed the diversity in political beliefs and arguments these men conquered that influenced the early development of the United States. The book focuses on a plethora of stories following a variety of different events pertaining to how they dealt with shaping the United States and how tough it was. These key members were making history by working hard to do something that was never done before. They experimented, argued, failed, and succeeded in …show more content…

Washington wants to give a message of guidelines to the people after he is finished serving his second term. “It should, by all rights, be called the farewell letter, for it was in form and tone an open letter to the American people, telling them they were now on their own.” (Ellis 122) Washington's main goal for the country was to stay at peace. Washington said this would happen by staying out of foreign affairs and focusing on ways for the country to become more strong. “The rest of the Farewell Address was then devoted to foreign policy, calling for strict American neutrality and diplomatic independence from the tangled affairs of europe.” (Ellis128) Unity and independence was essential to Washington's plan. Jonathan Ellis writes this revealing Washington's character of being loyal to how much power he had and the proper way to use it. Washington retires in his most prime time of being a leader because he wanted to prove that he was loyal to the