From Mrs. White's Epilogue To The Death Of Herbert

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Mrs. White flung open the door to reveal Herbert. He looked just like the day he left the house for work. Mr. White took a good look at his son and instantly knew that something wasn’t quite right. There was no trick, no loophole in the wish… Herbert was actually alive! “Herbert! Oh, my sweet boy!” Mrs. White exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around her son. “Oh, Father I told you it was our boy!” Even though Mr. White was suspicious of his own son, he decided to give Herbert a hug. Mrs. White urged Herbert into the house to sit down by the fire so that they could all talk about what happened. As Mrs. White closed the door behind Herbert, she began talking about his death. “Herbert, my darling, what was death like? And what happened when your …show more content…

White woke up to an empty bed. He stretched out of bed and proceeded downstairs to where he was greeted with a foul stench of what he thought was rotten meat. Just as Mr. White was about to continue into the kitchen he saw a puddle right before his feet. He bent over, dipping his pinky in the liquid before bringing it to his mouth and licking it. As the metallic taste of blood filled his mouth, he spit and became horrified not knowing whose blood was covering the floor. Inching himself towards the kitchen, where the disgusting smell grew stronger, he suddenly heard a woman’s loud sobbing. Fearing for his wife’s life, he ran to her only to be stopped by a pool of blood at the entrance of the kitchen. Mr. White tried to avoid stepping in any blood possible, but it was nearly covering the entire floor. Making his way around the table to where Mrs. White was lying, many things came into view. There on the bloody kitchen floor was Mrs. White sobbing hysterically, cradling Herbert’s zombified, headless body with intestines and organs stringing out every which way. Peering behind the corpse and his wife, Mr. White saw the axe and knife in which Mrs. White decapitated and disemboweled her own