Functional Theory: What´s Virtue Theory?

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Virtue Theory is a functional and practical theory in the sense that by focusing predominantly on the character of a person much rather than judging people for their actions that they have committed and marking whether is is right or wrong which reflects back on the person to determine whether they are morally good or bad. Virtue ethics gives back sense of humanity as it focuses in what makes us human, or much rather what makes us a good human. This theory looks at a person's life as whole because it is inevitable to be a perfect being. People make mistakes early and late in life, so virtue ethics takes in account all that has occurred in one's life to add and press into their essential character. It is noted that character are malleable and …show more content…

Since this theory in majorly agent centered than action centered, it will not assist us in telling us if things are morally controversial are good or bad in certain situations. The girl who was raped and now pregnant will not be able to decide if her aborting her baby is a moral wrong (Hursthouse and Pettigrove, para. 42). The theory does not settle what is morally right or wrong to do, but what we should become intuitively that will show us what is morally right for the situation and vice versa. Though this is a strong point, virtue ethicist argue that conflict is merely apparent and hold within it an understanding of virtues that is possessed by practical wisdom. Virtues do not make opposing demands, but end up having certain exceptions to them that will lead to solutions to be produced. On the basis of this issue, philosopher Maclntyre would say “we need to better understand the context,” (Emcez, 1) and follows it up with an example stating that “we are a society where thousands of embryos die at [various stages]. There is therefore a contradiction between our society's comfortable response to certain variations of issues and the often violent negative reaction to [others]” (1) Virtue ethics takes in account what kind of person one is, what virtues they obtain, and level of practical wisdom exist within your character that will be used to make an assessment on one’s morality as “moral virtues are cultivated by habit” (1) Thus, leading the theory to be one that is functional and