Functionalism And Religion Essay

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Why do functionalists, symbolic interactionists, and conflict perspectives produce such different pictures of religion?
Functionalists view religion in a positive way; Functionalists have their functions and dysfunction views on religion. Functionalist stress that religion is widespread because it meets our human wishes, Functionalists see religion as a way of maintaining harmony and social cohesion. Functionality hosts a broad spectrum of questions such as, what is the sole meaning and purpose of life? Is there an afterlife waiting on us when we die? These questions may give, Functionalist a sense of purpose to know that they 're following behind something with substance. Functionalist see religion a positive apparatus in a society which promotes …show more content…

Religious symbols provide identity and create social solidarity for their members. For instance, a symbol is a condensed way of communicating, they are sacred emblems that may evoke feelings of awe or reference. Symbolic rituals, are ceremonies or repetitive practices which help to unite people in ethical unity. Symbolic Religious experiment, it’s when people may enter the supernatural world when encountering “GOD.’ It’s when something in your body maybe your souls feels the close contact, it may be things such as; watching the sunset, when it rains, seeing a dove fly above your head, the clouds may appear as religious figures or even a life transformation experience. Conflict perspectives- Theorist are vastly critical of religion, Theorist stress religion is vague and contradicts evolution. Opium of the people; Theorist Karl Max, was declared atheist, and believed that the total existence and being of “GOD’’ was incorrect. “It is the opium of the people” (Marx 1844/1964) (434). Max, meant for oppressed workers people religion was like a drug that help addicts forget their misery (443). Legitimating social inequalities; Conflict theorists stress that religion legitimizes social inequalities (434). Functionalists, symbolic interactionists, and conflict perspectives each produce such different