Fundamental Concept Daoism

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Fundamental concept and beliefs of Daoism According to Daoists, Dao is the absolute principle underlying the universe, it combines within itself the principles of yin and yang and it signifies the way or the code of behavior. The power of the Way is referred to as Te. Dao, they say, flows through all life and a believer strives to harmonize with this force. As far as Daoists are concerned the Supreme Being or ultimate truth is beyond words or conceptual understanding. This is similar to other religions ideas about God, however Daoists seldom refer to or use the word God. Moreover, Traditional Daoism did not believe in the existence of a Creator. It was non-theistic, and Lao Tzu's teachings never gave the impression that the Dao or (Way) could …show more content…

The religious aspect of Daoism is polytheistic. There are a number of deities each believed to be a manifestation of some aspect of the Dao. Daoists, however, do not pray to these deities, they are not personified nor can they solve any of life's problems. Daoists solve problems through meditation and observation. The heart of Daoist ritual is the concept of bringing order and harmony to the cosmos as a whole. Daoist rituals involve purification, meditation and offerings to the many deities. The details of rituals are often highly complex and technical and therefore normally left to priests, with the congregation playing little part. The rituals involve the priests (and assistants) chanting, dancing and playing instruments (particularly wind and percussion). Daoism also involves several physical practices; breathing exercises, massages, martial arts, yoga and meditation. These are designed to transform a person both mentally and physically and bring them into harmony with the …show more content…

They all have long and colorful histories and all have at one time or another been referred to as a philosophy rather than a religion. Daoism is in the unique position of being a philosophy that was able to take on religious aspects, derived from folkloric Chinese customs and thus satisfy all adherents and prospective adherents. In last part I will look a little deeper at the three jewels of Daoism and try to figure out what aspects of Daoism in common with HINDUISM. I will also discuss the concept of God in Daoism in a little more depth and compare it with the monotheism of

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