
Gadamer Authority

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In this article, I want to pay attention to the concept of authority in Gadamer’s hermeneutical discourse. I want to argue authority is legitimized if it is based properly on knowledge and acknowledgment. The article questions the Enlightenment views of authority as opposed to reason. The intention is todiscard the Enlightenment views that simply criticized authority on groundless foundations. In doing so, I used different approaches of interpretation on Gadamer’s concept of authority. I argue against his critics, particularly Habermassince in my judgment I perceived that Enlightenment and others has not done justly to the concept of authority. Yet,Gadamer”s concept of authority is adequate for heconstructed the concept purelyon knowledge and acknowledgment. The article concedes …show more content…

This was considered as the age of superiority of reason over anything in the phenomenal world. I would like to expose in this paper, the two important concepts of the Enlightenment, they are the concepts are authority and reason. The Enlightenment views these concepts as distinguished from each other. Simultaneously, they claim that these are opposed to each other. Consequently, against this view of the Enlightenment, Gadamer presupposed the opposition between authority and reason as merely abstract. In Truth and Method, Gadamer’s famous work, we could discern that he rehabilitated the concept of authority which was challenged by the Enlightenment as somewhat purely contrasting to reason. It is significant to see that he did not simply identify authority and reason. Yes Gadamer perceived the distinction between these two concepts are real. But he simply argued that they are not absolutely contrasting to each other. We will grasp evidently in the work of Sir Francis Bacon which wasuprightly influenced by the Enlightenmentbelief, he pointed out clearly that reason is contrary to

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