Galileo Galilei was born in the City of Pisa Italy on Tuesday February 15, 1564. Galileo is the oldest, in fact the first of seven siblings. His father Vincenzo Galilei was a musician a scholar and a wool trader. His family moved to Florence in the early 1570s. As a boy he enjoyed the normal child activities such as listening to music and occasionally painting. Galileo was far intelligent for this age being that he built toys for his own amusement. His studies started at a Jesuit Monastery about at age eleven. By the time of age seventeen he told his father that he wanted to be a monk. But Due to his father's wishes he went to medical school, while in medical school he did poorly and thought his classes were boring. Later he dropped out …show more content…
Galileo was part of the Scientific Revolution. He supported Copernicanism who announced heliocentric theory in the past. His findings about heliocentric theory were one of the biggest issues during the 15 century. His calculations of inertia, the law of parabolic fall, and parabolic trajectories sparked the beginning of a everlasting change in the study of motion. Galileo was a symbol for physics and astronomy. Before Galileo was twenty in 1581, while he was studying medicine, he made a important science breakthrough that took off his career. One Sunday whilst sitting in church he looked up at a lamp in the Pisa cathedral he noticed a chandelier swinging. it was a normal swing in which he used his own pulse to measure the swing. He soon realized that although the swing grew shorter the amount of time of the swing was the same. Once he arrived home he conducted further research. He began doing experiments with two pendulums with different weights and lengths. His discoveries were that even though one had a larger sweep than the other one, they both stayed in synch. Thanks to this discovery he applied the same concept to make a pulsilogia which is a tool that measures ones pulse. Furthermore all of this led him to discover the isochronisms of the