Galileo Galilei Research Paper

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Many people know Galileo Galilei as the person that constructed the telescope, which he did but, he had also invented many other things. Galileo Galilei also known as “The Father of Modern Science” is known for various things, he was an astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher, and mathematician. During the time, he was alive he had made many discoveries and improved other people’s inventions. He had a theory which is that the Earth revolves around the Sun. If it wasn’t for Galileo Galilei, he would be lacking a lot of our technology. During the time, he was alive he came up with many different things that we still use everyday today. Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564. He was born and raised with his five other siblings in …show more content…

When he was attending the University of Pisa he had meet a young lady named Marina Gamba and had three children, two girls named Maria Celeste and Livia Galilei and one boy named Vincenzo Gamba, Marina and Galileo did not marry though. While he was pursing his education there his mind expanded into other subjects practically mathematics and physics. He was very interested into those subjects and did a lot of research about them. He then started to study mathematics and later published a book called The Little Balance, after publishing his book that’s when he started getting fame and people started to notice him. In 1583 he had made his first discovery which was describing the rules the govern the motion of pendulums, which is a weight suspended from a pivot so that it can swing freely. He had …show more content…

While he made telescopes multi times he had improved the first telescope. After he had made the telescope he had then started study the stars and plants. One night while he was studying the planet Jupiter he had noticed four little dots surrounding Jupiter. Later one he had discovered that Jupiter had four moons orbiting around itself and now they are known as The Galileo Moons. After he had discovered that he started considering other planets with his telescope and noticed that the planet Venus had faces. After all those things Galileo Galilei had discovered he started to realize that earth is not the center of the universe. This event had led him getting in trouble with the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church had believed that Earth was the center of the universe and did not move but Galileo Galilei believed otherwise. The pope had ordered a court hearing and forced Galileo Galilei to say he had made a mistake that Earth did not move and was the center of the universe because if he didn’t then his life would be in jeopardy. Many people got furious with him because if this accusation he had made and that had lend up to them banning his books he had

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