
Galileo's Report

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Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei both believed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, a theory that was later proved to be true. (Jessica Wolf, 2016) The Catholic church strongly disagreed with these theories because the Holy Scriptures claimed that the Earth is in the center, not the Sun. There was tension between scientists like Galileo and the Catholic Church because his theories didn’t agree with the Holy Scriptures. Galileo was punished by the church for believing in heliocentrism, which is the belief that the Sun is in the center of the solar system however during his trial he would’ve received a more severe punishment if he had said he would’ve never believed heliocentrism to be possible. (Truth about Galileo) The Catholic Church had the opposite belief of geocentrism, which is the ideology that the Earth is in the center of the solar system, and the Sun revolves around the Earth. (Oxford Dictionary) …show more content…

“In 1616, the church banned Nicolaus Copernicus’ book “On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres,” published in 1543, which contained the theory that the Earth revolved around the sun.” The church banning this book shows their ignorance. They want science to follow what the books say, instead of going against these religious morals. Another source says, “It was a great embarrassment to the Catholic Church that it opposed the Copernican explanation of the cosmos and took so long to acknowledge its error and treatment of Galileo.” (Jessica Wolf, 2016) Meaning that the church later realized their way of thinking wasn’t factual and they were ashamed they had only just come to understand this idea after punishing Galileo, this is showing remorse. “After a few minor edits, making sure that the sun theory was presented as purely hypothetical, it was allowed again in 1620 with the blessing of the

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