Gambling In Australia Essay

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Question 1: What are the factors for the increasing problem gamblers? Problem gambling becomes a serious issue in Australia in this 10 years. In Australia, there are about 115,000 problem gamblers with 280,000 more are categorized as ‘moderate risk’. (Gambling Inquiry Report 2010) While one single reason cannot influence millions of Australians to gamble, this behaviour is affected by multi-perspective. Firstly, surrounding is the main reason leading the problem of gambling in Australia. Poker and gambling machines are allocated in most pubs and clubs in all states within the country except Western Australia. At least one casino operates in each state within its jurisdiction. (Punter 2013) In 2008-2009, there are 5,700 pubs and clubs offer …show more content…

Dr Sally Gainsbury, a leader researcher in online gambling in Australia found that about 10-20% of online gamblers increases each year. (ABC News Online 2010) As gambling online does not obtain a deposit limit, it becomes dangerous when you can deposit money online with just one click of your mouse. (ABC News Online 2010) According to a study from the Centre for Gambling Education & Research, it reports that the Australian internet gambling industry spent around $968 million on offshore casino, poker and bingo sites in 2010. (Punter 2013) It develops more than 2,000 offshore sites which provide better prices and more variety and hundreds of gaming applications on mobiles to lure gamblers to contribute money unrestrainedly. (ABC News Online 2010) Also, the use of online gambling site increases young problem gamblers because the availability and accessibility of gaming rise. Nobody can physically check the age of the people who gamble online and even it has age verification before accessing the site, youths can still falsify their information to gamble illegally at home. (Gambling and the Internet

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