Gang Types Essay

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It should act as no surprise for us to find out that there are different types of gangs that exist in the United States. With each gang comes a different identity and label that can be attached to them. Even with their differences they all seem to share some similar distinctions between them. Most if not all of the gangs commit acts of crime, it can range from theft to muggings and killings. Some of these types include predatory gangs. These are those who belong to this type of gang are found to commit crimes of muggings, carjacking, rape and murder. They are also found to have been using drugs such as cocaine, which is believed to contribute to their violent behavior. They most likely will be the ones that are selling these types of drugs …show more content…

It should act as no surprise to anyone that when you combine drugs, guns and nothing for these kids to do that they might get involved and commit violent crimes. Gang related killings are usually not done by accident. Many times these killings are done over turf, or drugs, or even getting revenge on a rival gang. One example would be that of drive-by shootings. When this is carried it most often it is done by a couple of gang members who are looking to get revenge for something. It does not normally involve the whole gang but just a few of them packed into a car on their way to cause trouble. It is thought that because of the poverty that many of these kids live in that there is a disregard for their own life. Many of them feel as if they will not live much longer than into their early adult hood life anyway (Knox, 1994). This type of hopelessness and poverty combine that with drugs and violence and we see why there is such a disregard for life among some of these gang members. It also seems like they have come to except the fact that they will most likely not live past early adulthood and have accepted that (Knox,

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