Gangs Depicted In The Outsiders By S. E. Hinton

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The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton, In this book their are to rival gang but that it only one of the gangs that is starting all the madness in this book. The Outsiders is about two Rival gang who are at war with each other because of one of the Soc gang members being killed by a Greaser. Johnny the murder and Ponyboy run of to get away from the trouble they are in until the church they are staying at caught on fire and they come in to save the children in stuck in the crunch but Johnny is badly burnt in the act of saving the children. The Greasers and the Soc have a battle resolve the problem and the Greseare and Ponyboy and Dally go to the to the hospital to tell Johnny but when they get their Johnny dies. Dally goes crazy and robes a store but …show more content…

Johnny was justified in killing Bob. “Johnny told me what had happened: "They ran when I stabbed him. They all ran..." A panic was rising in me as I listened to Johnny's quiet voice go on and on. "Johnny!" I nearly screamed.”Pg50 If the Socs never attacked Johnny in the first place he would have carried the knife with him.Johnny and Ponyboy should not have stayed and taken the consequences for Bob’s death. “Cherry Valance, and she said Bob had been drunk and that the boys had been looking for a fight when they took her home. Bob had told her he'd fix us for picking up his girl. His buddy Randy Adderson, who had helped lump us, also said it was their fault and that we'd only fought back in self-defense” Pg 91 They were doing the right thing to run because the Socs could have been search for Johnny and tried to kill …show more content…

The Socials were responsible for starting the rumble. “No rival gang. Only Socs. And you can't win against them no matter how hard you try, because they've got all the breaks and even whipping them isn't going to change that fact. Maybe that was why Dallas was so bitter.” Pg8 The Rumble started because of the Socs trying to kill Ponyboy but it end up with bob dieing so now they want to get revenge. The Socials caused Dally’s death. “Nobody would write editorials praising Dally. Two friends of mine had died that night: one a hero, the other a hoodlum. But I remembered Dally pulling Johnny through the window of the burning church; Dally giving us his gun, although it could mean jail for him; Dally risking his life for us, trying to keep Johnny out of trouble. And now he was a dead juvenile delinquent and there wouldn't be any editorials in his favor. Dally didn't die a hero. He died violent and young and desperate, just like we all knew he'd die someday. Just like Tim Shepard and Curly Shepard and the Brumly boys and the other guys we knew would die someday. But Johnny was right. He died gallant.” Pg 131 Because the of Johnny death from the fire Dally went crazy and robbed a store and was then running from the police but shot down. If the Socs never attacked Ponyboy and Johnny the would have never been at the