Gangsta Rap Thesis

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Gangster Rap is by definition “Gangsta rap or gangsta rap is a subgenre of hip hop music with themes and lyrics based on the "thug" or "gangsta" lifestyle.” ( The “gangsta” life style has been glamourized by the media. On the media the gangsta lifestyle is nice cars, lots of money, drugs, and parties but that is far from the truth. In reality the real life style is full of violence, drugs, poverty, racism and danger at every corner. Most people think that being a thug means you be “gettin money and getting chicks”. When in actuality it means that you have a gang affiliation and then from that gang affiliation you can “rep sets” then go as far as even rep your “squad”. If you affiliate yourself into any gang you have to get jumped in wich means multiple members of that gang are going to attack you for an amount of time. Because you are breaking laws you have to “keep things on the dl” which means down …show more content…

This is very evident when it comes to police brutality. For example in 1991 a group of 3 African-American were on a high speed chase with the LAPD when they finally stopped two of three men stepped out of the car except Rodney King who after a couple minutes passed by stepped out and then was brutally beaten this caused outrage. When incidents like this happened is when two infamous gangs appeared named C.R.I.P.s and B.L.O.O.D.S. C.R.I.P. meaning Community Restoration In Progress. B.L.O.O.D meaning Blood Love Overcomes Our Depression or Brotherly Love Overcomes Oppression and Destruction this gang was made to defend themselves from the C.R.I.P.s. West coast and East coast also had their own gangs of B.L.O.O.D.s and C.R.I.P.S. that would also mean a lot to people when it came to repping. This played a huge role in gangster rap because it would end up being what would separate rappers and bring others