Garbage By Katie Kelley Analysis

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In the essay “Garbage,” author Katie Kelley indicates, via her supportive evidence, that the careless and non-chalant attitude New Yorkers have towards garbage not only does not solve the problem but just adds more to it. New Yorkers, blinded by their thoughtless outlook, take things that are garbage and present it to the public as something that is valuable, creating sort of a deadly cycle that worsens the garbage overflow. Katie Kelley implicates the image of garbage in the city by saying “Come Fall, offices all around New York City Hall are decorated with gourds and pumpkins harvested at Fresh Kills” (108). The pumpkins that were thrown away earlier by New Yorkers are coming back into the city as beautifications. At the end of the autumn season the …show more content…

Kelley tells us that “…Jerome Kretchmer…had taken his seven-year-old daughter’s class out to Fresh Kills for a field trip…the landfill sites excited him…” (108). The insinuation here is that this man is showing his children how wonderful the intense amount of garbage is to society. This man is practically brainwashing the younger generations to understand that the large amount of garbage is a good thing and it is better for it to increase. In George Orwell’s 1984, the character Winston was being insubordinate to big brother, or the party, and wanted to speak out against the program. Winston is then taken in by O’Brien and was brainwashed to no longer be insubordinate to big brother but rather follow in the ways that the Party wants him to do. Although the New Yorkers are not physically brainwashing the younger generations, they still are trying to engulf them into the idea of garbage being good. If all of New York believes that high amounts of garbage are good, then ultimately that will lead to even more garbage than they already