Garceration In Prisons

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Suppose there is a man, this man is married and also has three children whom he provides for. Now imagine another man, this man is a criminal and is sentenced to 55 long years in prison for his crimes. Based on the second description one may think this man would have committed a violent or at least very damaging crime. In reality, the crimes committed were not violent and some may argue, not even damaging. The aforementioned men are one in the same and describe the case of Weldon Angelo. Weldon’s case seems all too common today with the gargantuan population of the American prison system. A system which cannot see to the needs of the citizens it houses. It is clear that current policy regarding incarceration in America has proven to be a failure; …show more content…

The true evil in this situation is the unreasonable length of sentencing now, considering that longer sentencing has been shown to have a negligible effect on crime. This strategy of increasing prison terms falls under one of prisons three categories for preventing crime which are punishments, corrections and deterrence. The theory behind more severe punishments is that it would deter people who do not wish to be penalized. Looking at the causes for decreasing crime rates from 1990 to 2013 the percentage that increased sentencing and incarceration contributes, is on a steady decline, falling from a percentage of 7 to as low as 1 percent (“What caused…”). Along with not being sufficiently effective at stopping crime, greater sentencing and fewer chances to be released has created a costly problem. It forces some prison facilities to operate like a home for the elderly. A prime example of this is at Lakeland Men’s Correctional Facility in Coldwater Michigan, where thirty-five thousand dollars a year minimum are spent on each prisoner. While this number is already far too large it does not include the medical expenses of the older residents which are estimated to be around double that (Freiss). One may argue that this is merely an isolated incident, which is unique to michigan. However one cannot argue with the quantitative surge of more than 1300 percent of the aged population in prison since the year 1981 (“At America 's Expense:...”). When it comes down to it the root of the problem is the policy regarding prison sentencing. Reform could bring relief to american taxpayers and be the first step to more efficient policy to fight