Garrett Hardin Lifeboat Ethics The Case Against Helping The Poor

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In 1974, Garrett Hardin, an ecologist and philosopher, published the article, "Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor" subsequently, it received critical controversy in regards to world poverty. In 1999, another philosopher, Peter Singer, published another article called, “The Singer Solution to World Poverty” which also discussed the issue of world poverty. Hardin clearly states the deficiency behind helping the poor, while Singer is in total favor of helping the poor. Each author properly stated their claims and utilized strong imagery to support it. Even though Singer supports helping the poor, there is something that he had overlooked, which is mentioned in Hardin’s article, however, there is something they both overlooked …show more content…

Even though Hardin’s article was published, the truth within still stands. Similar to Singer. Hardin uses an analogy that disputes the reliability of morals. This is known as “Lifeboat Ethics”, and it goes something like this, “So here we sit, say 50 people in our lifeboat. [Let’s] assume it has room for 10 more [...]. Suppose the 50 of us in the lifeboat see 100 others swimming in the water outside, begging for admission to our boat or for handouts. [...] Since the needs of all in the water are the same, [...] we could take them all into our boat, making a total of 150 in a boat designed for 60. The boat swamps, everyone drowns. Complete justice, complete catastrophe.” (Hardin, 1974). In the metaphor, the lifeboats are representations of countries and the carrying capacity as the limited resources, and if the number of individuals was to exceed the amount of available resources, then there would be an insufficient amount of resources; the lifeboat sinks and the purpose of having one is exterminated. Even if there was room on the lifeboat for 10 more people, how do we select and which 10 of the 100 people do we let in? This is the conflict between Morality and Economics. Economics is “the …show more content…

Many issues, such as poverty, unemployment, domestic violence and other variations of it, high crime rates, drug abuse, and pollution, could be eliminated if our education system was to be enhanced. Unfortunately, the system has failed to maintain relevant and engaging, that it has become disorganized and counterproductive. I’m sure most people can agree that schoolwork consists of a lot of filler tasks and has failed to inform the significance and opportunities that the lesson contains. The school has become heavily infatuated with testing and test scores beyond any reasonable measure; shouldn’t schools be about on actual education and not testing? There also seems to be a lack of essential Home Economic classes, classes that should teach students how to be a responsible adults by teaching them how to sew, their basic human rights, not only how to use a condom but what to do when they want a child (how to parent), how to care of their own health and others’, politics, financial advice, and basic first aid. I know what many are saying, “But shouldn’t that be the parent 's’ job?”. And they are correct, but here is the problem the average American spend more time in school and doing school assignments that they hardly have time for themselves or others. Sometimes the parents don’t have time for their children either, they may have work or other adult