Gatsby Literary Devices

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As we continue to read, we approached a new yet very familiar literary device that I would often see when people are repeatedly listing things. If I were the writer of a book, the device such as polysyndeton is definitely one of the necessary and helpful writing techniques. Like we have discussed, the author wants to make sure that the readers will pay attention to the context, what he 's trying to tell so he would slow down the sentence with the repeating conjunction such as "and", "or" as it 's also used to list out some of the important factors or matters that happened in the story. One of the examples of polysyndeton in this chapter have ensured me the definition as well as the use of polysyndeton. " And on Mondays eight …show more content…

I have heard about the study of people 's writing but never actually heard of the name, which is graphoanalysis. Like what I 've heard of it before about this method is if a person writes in small font, he or she is likely to be introverted and timid, in contrast to a person, who is extroverted or confident, he or she mostly has large handwriting. So for this chapter, I think the author has successfully described Gatsby 's personality based on his signature: "signed Jay Gatsby in a majestic hand." The foreshadowing in this chapter gives away a vital hint about Gatsby. I think foreshadowing is definitely a great literary device since the readers could glimpse and suspect the future events, just based on a couple of lines. "Prejudice in your favor", is undoubtedly one of the common phrases that I usually hear people on television saying it. Like what we have discussed, the phrase means that people make assumptions about a person while those assumptions are not always true. I could think of some stereotypes that could be the examples of this phrase. Like sometimes people assume that all Asians are smart, they can all easily get an A in every subject but it 's obviously wrong and prejudiced. The metaphor is also included in this chapter, which the author writes about how oranges and lemons arrive on every Friday, but then leave on every Monday. If you haven 't spotted the metaphor in this chapter, I would never know that the sentence is a metaphor. I would have thought that it