Gatsby Lust Quotes

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Jacob Cochran
Honors English 11
18 January 2023
Lust is the Thief of Relation Imagine humans lived in a world where lustful activity was as present as a flower on a cold winter night. Relationships are no longer full of relation when one seeks the tenderness of adulterer or adulteress. It is evident within the novel titled, “The Great Gatsby”, that lustful actions and decisions, can alter the outcome of one's relationship. The lustful mindset and actions of Gatsby, prove the fact that lust can alter the outcome of one's relationship. Within chapter seven, Gatsby's overwhelming efforts on Daisy to inform Tom that she no longer loves him, ends in the death of someone and their relationship. The quote, “Just tell him the truth-that …show more content…

Within the novel, Tom chooses worldly desires over his relationship with his wife. Instead of being a loyal husband to daisy, Tom takes part in an affair with another woman. This claim is supported when Tom says to Nick “I want you to meet my girl.” ( Fitzgerald 24) Tom says in front of Gatsby, Jordan, Nick, and Daisy “ Once in a while I go off on a spree and make a fool of myself, but I always come back, and in my heart, I love her all the time.” This quote points out the actions of Tom. Tom essentially calls himself out for his cheating actions, his desires for another woman while being with Daisy. It is exemplified that even before Toms cheating scandal, that Tom was affecting his relationship with Daisy before it even started. Due to Tom’s lustful mindset, marriage was forced upon Daisy, destroying their marriage before it had even started. Since Tom forced Daisy into marriage, he ruined his relationship with her. Tom was not loving to begin with, but because he treated her badly and forced her into the relationship, Daisy felt the urge to then cheat on him with Gatsby. It is evident within this section of the story, that Tom is basing his behavior towards Daisy, on how his affair ended with Myrtle.During the story, when Myrtle dies, Tom is unfamiliar with how to handle the situation and is unfamiliar with how to treat Daisy. Although sad, yet true, it is present …show more content…

With the unfolding of chapter two through four, it is evident that Myrtle is already contributing to the negative effects of Tom and Daisy’s relationship. Any relationship is in shambles when one begins to lie, which is exactly what happens when Tom says to Myrtle, “I want to see you, says Tom intently. Get on the next train”(p. 26). The significance of this quote is to show that Myrtle's presence and willingness to proceed with this affair is affecting the relationship of Tom and Daisy, precious time is being wasted on an affair when both cheaters could be with their loved ones. Not only has Myrtle's decisions affected her relationship with Tom but also her relationship with her husband! Not only had Myrtles been caught cheating, yet her cheating actions had led to the death of her innocent husband, who sought to work hard and provide for her. Due to the affair between Tom and Myrtle, Wilson lost the woman that he loved so much. It is clear the affair between Tom and Myrtle was the reason for Myrtle's death when Myrtle ran into the street, waving her arms to stop Tom, when it was really Daisy and Nick. The quote, “A moment later she rushed into the dusk, waving her hands and shouting”(p. 137) proves the point because it verbally pictures Myrtle running into the street in hopes for Tom to save her. Others were affected by the presence of Myrtle, others like Nick and