Essay About Gattaca

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Location Nº 1. EXT. GATTACA Location: MADRID EXT. Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Alcobendas) The National Museum of Science and Technology has an extension of about 1500 m2. It is the ideal place to be the exterior of Gattaca for its materials such as glass and metal that indicate the futurism of society. Another aspect that I like it is the semi-spherical dome and the other crystal dome with parabola form appropriate to the location chosen to roll the interior of Gattaca. To roll the scene in which the character cleans the dome It would not be a problem since it has a smooth roof where you can climb and clean the dome. It would cover the posters of the parking, of the publicity of the museum, the name of the street and the flag of …show more content…

INT. GATTACA Location: MADRID INT. Centro comercial Plaza Norte 2 (San Sebastián de los Reyes) Plaza Norte 2 shopping center is a project carried out by the Chapman Taylor Partners Office in London; Is the ideal place to record Gattaca. This building consists of a main spherical dome and a secondary parabolic dome both of glass where Vicent can contemplate the takeoffs of the rockets and convey to us the desire that the character has and his hope to go to space. In the parabolic dome hang two identical ornaments that are a replica of the Solar System. The columns and walls are made of marble, malachite, onyx and Porphyry, with a classic style that indicates the upper class of the characters working in Gattaca, since to be able to work there you had to be perfectly genetically, the same importance as The Greeks gave. The marble is a cold material transmits the individualism and coldness of the personages. For the different rooms that we see in Gattaca, such as the gymnasium, the doctor's consultation and the work area with the tables and computers would be recorded in the different premises of the stores, since there are different sizes and similar compositions, although some of the stores have enough space to make fake

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