Gender Differences In Elie Wiesel's 'The Merchant Of Venice'

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PORTIA: A pound of this merchant’s flesh is yours.

SHYLOCK: What a righteous judge!

PORTIA: And you have to his chest.

SHYLOCK: get ready.

PORTIA: But wait There’s something else. This contract doesn’t give you any blood at all. So take your penalty of a pound of flesh shed one drop of Christian blood

GRATIANO: smart a smart judge!

SHYLOCK: Is that the law?

PORTIA: You asked for justice, so rest assured you’ll get more justice.

GRATIAN: what a wise judge!

SHYLOCK: I’ll take their offer. Pay me three times the amount !

BASSANIO: Here is the money.

PORTIA: The Jew will have justice. Wait, don’t rush!

GRATIANO: What a wise judge!

PORTIA: Don’t cut less or more a pound of flesh. If you take more or less than exactly a pound,or else you die, and all your property will be confiscated. …show more content…

Take your penalty.

SHYLOCK:Give me my damm money and let me go!

BASSANIO Here it is.

PORTIA : No,He will have only justice and his penalty., the person he tried to kill will receive one half of the foreigner’s goods.

GRATIANO: Beg to hang yourself!

DUKE: I want you to see the difference between us. your wealth goes to Antonio.

PORTIA: state’s half can be reduced, but not Antonio’s.

SHYLOCK: No my dam life away, take my house away

ANTONIO: I’m happy, as long as he lets me have the other half in trusts Shylock must immediately become a Christian.

DUKE: He must damm do it!

PORTIA: you satisfied?