Title IX Thesis

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On June President Richard Nixon signed Title IX of the Education Amendments into law. Under Title IX:

Before Title IX, women faced gender discrimination and were denied certain opportunities that men had free access to. According to Bernice Sandler, the Godmother of Title IX,
Thesis: The conflict women faced in society due to gender discrimination gradually changed after the implementation of Title IX, which revolutionized higher education and equal opportunities for women.

Before Title IX, few women could pursue higher education and complete college degrees, nor did they have equal access to academia. Many schools only permitted women to study for conventional female professions, such as housekeeping. Men, however, were hardly seen taking …show more content…

Mink, Representative Edith Green, and Senator Birch Bayh. After Patsy T. Mink’s death, Title IX was renamed the Patsy T. Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act in her honor.
Title IX requires that male and female athletes receive equal opportunities to participate in sports. In the early days of Title IX, the government gave schools three options to demonstrate equal opportunities for women. Those options included proportionality, progress, and satisfied interest. A school could choose which option to follow. Proportionality means that the percentages of male and female students enrolled at the school is about the same as the percentage of male and female athletes. Progress requires that the school has a history of expanding opportunities for female athletes. Satisfied interest requires that schools are fully meeting female athletes …show more content…

In a “Dear Colleague” Letter from the U.S. Department of Education concerning Gender Equity in Career and Technical Education, it describes the legal requirements for gender equity in CTE programs.

Title IX expanded opportunities for women to compete at all levels. Today, 1 in 2.5 girls play varsity sports. In addition, the number of women competing at the collegiate level has gone from 32,000 to 150,000. Women are also receiving over 10,000 scholarships a year. In an interview with Gail Marquis, a member of the 1976 Women’s Olympic Basketball Team, she describes what Title IX meant to her. Although Title IX has provided more opportunities for women to compete, it has come at the expense of some men’s sports. Many low revenue men’s sports programs were cut due to schools needing to meet Title IX’s restrictions and give more resources to women’s programs. The worst hit sports include wrestling, swimming, men’s gymnastics, and track and field. This has caused the men’s Olympic gymnastic team to shrink due to male gymnasts being few in