Gender roles can be defined as the behavior learned by a person as appropriate to their gender, determined by the prevailing cultural norms. Gender roles still influence modern thoughts even after the woman’s rights movement and still appear and impact daily life. There are numerous sides to gender roles, including; men's and women's stereotypes and norms, the pros and cons, and how it can be fixed. As Ostrovsky stated in her article, “we have evolved. But our ideas of gender have not evolved very much,”. In literature as in life, the theme of gender roles exists.
The aspect of gender roles is revealed in William Golding's Lord of The Flies. When the boys were determining what jobs should they have, they suggested, “ 'They could be the army-' 'or hunters-' ” (Golding 23). Then on page 79, Golding mentions that shelters or huts need to be built. All of those jobs are traditionally done by men, so the boys in the novel feel that is what is most significant for them to accomplish. With the lack of jobs traditionally done by women, like cooking
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There are still “feudal-era attitudes toward the sex of unborns and the women who carry them,” (Ostrovsky). A study from Ohio State University discovered “that women who chose not to learn their child’s sex may be more open to new experiences and combine egalitarian views about the roles of men and women in society with consciousness,” (“Pink”). This article goes in depth on . Including that expecting mothers who scored high on a test of parenting perfectionism, were more likely to have known the sex of their unborn baby (“Pink”). Ostrovsky admits in her article that most women are “terrified at the thought of having a daughter”. That proves that the pressure of gender roles still affect the thoughts of people today. Women’s attitudes always change when they chose to hear the sex of the child as supported by these