
Gender Roles In Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis

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Gregor’s family locks Gregor into his room to keep him out of sight and mind. To his family, he was a burden and a problem, as his sister states: “Father, Mother,” said his sister hitting the table with her hand as an introduction, “We can’t carry on like this. Maybe you can’t see it but I can. I don’t want to call this monster my brother, all I can say is: we have to try and get rid of it. We’ve done all that’s humanly possible to look after him and be patient, I don’t think anyone could accuse us of doing anything wrong.”(48) This is like a family member talking about ridding of a member who is gay, because they don’t like or accept that he or she is gay. Then this makes homosexuals feel horrible inside, like they have done everything …show more content…

The chief clerk was one of the first people, and he ran away in fear. “The chief clerk had turned away as soon as Gregor started to speak, and with protruding lips only stared back at him over his trembling shoulders, as he left.”(19) Gregor chased him down, trying to make sure his job was secure. Gregor just wanted the chief clerk to ignore his difference, and let him work. This is like a homosexual wanting to be accepted. They just want to feel as though belonged, and in a since they want their “difference” not be such a big deal to other people. They just want to be able to feel normal like everyone else. Gregor faced problems which cause family …show more content…

Like before, his sister didn’t know what to give him to eat a first. She ended up giving him human food, but he ended up liking scraps instead. (22-23) This is like a parent believe that their kid is straight and denying their kid, making them feel misunderstood because they do not understand. Grete also move his furniture out of his room, but Gregor didn’t want this at all. (31) They didn’t even try to communicate with him to see if he even wanted this. This is like a homosexual being forced to get help, when they don’t want it because it isn’t going to change who they

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