Gender Roles In The Avengers

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Superhero movies such as The Avengers, The Batman, and The X-Men all have pull record breaking box offices on their first week of release, influencing millions upon millions of viewers worldwide. In these movies, women are heavily sexualized; usually being seen as a sex symbol wearing very revealing articles of clothing, acting a certain way to their male counterparts, and talking a certain way that seems very sexually seductive. There is no gender equality in these movies and this is why I believe directors of these superhero movies should stop portraying women as a sex object in there film, since it only influence sexism onto our culture impacting beliefs about gender roles and creating an unrealistic expectation of how women are supposed to look and behave.
Many of the female characters in the film are regularly represented wearing outfits that sexualize them in order to garner an interest for male viewers. For example, in the movie, “The Avengers”, a character named Black Widow is portrayed in a skin tight suit that reveals her body, also the suit shows a large portion of the character’s cleavage. Another example is in …show more content…

These female characters use their bodies and sexually appealing look to gain attention from the male characters. For example, in one scene of The Avengers, Black Widow regularly exploits her feminine charm and soft touch to grab the attention from one of the male character named Bruce Banner. Her feminine charm helps put him under control or seduce him when he transforms into The Hulk. In addition, female characters such as Mystique, use their seduction to evade capture, a method of interrogation, and the usage of coercion. It feels as if the director is trying to paint the women as a manipulator that can’t be trusted. Male characters never use these tactics against their enemies, only women have exploited this through their