Gender Roles In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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Gender Roles in the Epic of Gilgamesh In this story regarding the epic of Gilgamesh, different people played a part in the daily activities and that gender separation did thrive during those times. Gender has been known worldwide to have played and still playing a significant role in most societies, and its setting has been used to maintain peace and harmony. Understanding the gender roles has helped various families to stay together for a long period of time. Women during this time were seen as the lesser being and that their power was a lesser effect. Nonetheless, women influenced many decisions pertaining the society, and most people sought advice from them. The main actors in the story were Gilgamesh and a lesser actor, Enkidu, were both male, while women did play a role but it was a lesser extend as compared to their male counterparts. Man played an important role within the story as seen in their position of power. In the epic, …show more content…

Women have taken leadership positions to rival men, as seen by more women presidents emerging worldwide. Women have evolved from that submissive wife to a more daring figure who can challenge their husband to certain issues. They have become powerful figures that control the world in various ways. They have been accepted by the society as they can be seen to shape the entire society. In the epic of Gilgamesh, women were seen as a lesser figure and they started their role at the base and tried all they can to achieve a higher level as compared to the males. Women used to remain at home to take care of children, and they were expected as usual to remain ever loyal to their husband at all times. In modern society, women roles have changed to not only limited to house chores and caring the family anymore, they have become more vocal about their rights and laws regarding the gender balance have taken center stage in trying to solve these

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